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DOM, HTML5, and PHP: Past, Present, and Future

PHP's Document Object Model (DOM) extension offers an API based on WHATWG's DOM specification for parsing and manipulating HTML and XML documents. It is a critical component of web development and a powerful extension used in many popular frameworks and libraries.

While a powerful extension, it has occasionally frustrated developers due to the absence of modern features and unique PHP-specific idiosyncrasies. In this talk, we will dig into the history of DOM manipulation in PHP, explore the upcoming capabilities such as handling HTML5, and glimpse into the promising future it holds.


  • Insight into the latest developments and improvements of the DOM extension
  • Learn about specification compliance and PHP-specific quirks, and how to deal with them
  • Discuss the direction of the DOM and XML extensions in PHP
  • Discover how you can get involved and contribute



Niels Dossche
Niels Dossche is a PhD student working on static analysis software testing. In his spare time, he contributes regularly to PHP and its extensions. Recently, his growing enthusiasm for web development has inspired him to assume responsibility for maintaining the DOM and XML extensions.


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